Getting My A*# In Gear - Part II
On my last blog post I wrote about getting my body in shape for summer. I'm using a workout plan I found to keep me on track, and the...

Getting My A*# In Gear!
The beginning of summer forces everyone to reevaluate their fitness goals they created in January. Swimsuit season is UPON US so I've...

New Obsession: Agate
For those of you who don't know, agates are gemstones made of silicon dioxide in the form of quartz crystals. The colors and design...

I Actually Tried a Recipe!
So let me give you a hint why this is incredible news - I don't cook. Ever. For anyone, including myself. Why you ask? Do you not know...

Wanted - Spring Florals
I am SO READY for Spring! I hate the cold, and here in Texas it's still kind of cool. BUMMER! So, in order to drag out the happiness that...

Nail Wraps Product Review
OHMYGOSH YOU GUYS!! I just tried nail wraps for the first time and they were AMAZE-BALLS!! So I'm giving you today my honest review for...

Product Review + Living With Acne
My tormented past with acne is long and torrid. I have had acne since I was about 13. And I still have problems with acne to this day (I...

Watched: Moana
You guys! I just watched Moana on Netflix! I know, I know, again I'm late to the table of discussion, but better late than never, right?...

Delaying Your Wedding? Here's Why
My wonderful boyfriend and I have been together for well over 7 years now, and the number one question we get asked is, "Why aren't you...