Getting My A*# In Gear!
The beginning of summer forces everyone to reevaluate their fitness goals they created in January. Swimsuit season is UPON US so I've been dying to get started on my fitness goals and today is the day!

Fitness for me (as most people will tell you) has been a very personal part of my life. When I was in high school, I was super athletic. I was part of the track team and the cross country team and I led our team to Regionals my Junior year. But although I was super fit, I had a fairly poor diet. Friends and family cautioned me that some day it would catch up with me...and man were they right! A few years into college I noticed things sitting, well, different. I don't think in my life anyone would qualify me as "fat", but that doesn't mean I'm fit and lean. My stomach quickly became the first problem area, and has continued to this day to be the most agonizing part of my body.
Sure, sure – I did dieting and exercise, gave things up, added things in. But I never stuck with anything long enough to make a real difference. About five years ago I really started walking my way to being fit, adding in my food in my log, and really trying to make a difference. And I succeeded. However, as always, I let things in my life get in the way and eventually stopped doing all the things I needed to do to get to my goal weight.
Now, I will say that I have not gained any weight in almost five years. But I still have plenty to lose... According to the internet, my goal weight should be somewhere between 120 and 130. I am currently *mumbles number*, which puts me in the "overweight" category of my height range. Bummer, huh? Now to be fair, I don't look "overweight", but that doesn't mean it's not all there, lurking beneath the corners of my chin, my stomach, under my butt, and pulling down my boobs!
So, in an effort to get my body in shape for summer once and for all, I am starting a new exercise regimen – TODAY. Because there's no time like the present, right? I found this nifty little workout calendar from Self Magazine, and I'm prepared to start using it today! There is even a color-coded key to help us out. Each week comes with a rest day, an active rest, and combinations of strength and cardio workouts. (The teal sections let you opt in a few fitness classes along the way).
So here I go! Off to start a new beginning! Anyone else out there staring over like me? Have any suggestions or takeaways? Please leave a comment below!