Secret Litter Storage
Shout out to all my cat owners out there! Cats give unconditional love, they love the purrrrrfect belly rub, and they are a fairly low-maintenance pet.
There is really only one thing I sincerely HATE about cats, and that's the litter box. If we lived somewhere there was room for my cat to go outside, I would most likely not have this problem. However, as we live in an apartment, and people and cars are unforgiving, we have to suck it up and deal with cat litter.
Currently the litter box is in the bathroom. Why the bathroom you ask? Like I had a choice! There are only two areas in our apartment that are NOT covered in carpet (read: litter alllll up in the carpet - ewwww), and those are the kitchen and bathroom. And since I don't think people would want to be in our kitchen while litter is present, little lone EAT around it, the litter box MUST reside in the bathroom. The good news however is that the litter box fits perfectly under the counter area where a vanity chair would go:

Previously, I simply had the litter mat under the litter box and nothing else. Things were fine for like a week, and then the litter was EVERYWHERE. It got tracked into other areas of carpet in the apartment, and when you would step outside the bathtub with wet feet, it was in the rugs, too! Something HAD to be done.
I scoured the internet for what seemed like days trying to figure something out. However, it would appear that no one else has had a set up quite like mine. So I set out to create my own solution, and maybe give one to those of you who might be in a similar situation. I figured a simple tension rod with some material over it would be a simple solution, but I had NO IDEA it would turn out so great!
You can purchase a tension rod from just about anywhere (mine was from Target). As for the fabric, that can purchased anywhere fabric is sold. However, if you don't posses sewing skills (shout out!) then you might need something else. But what? I thought about maybe a small curtain valance, since they are shorter, but I wasn't going to spend good money on something that is that close to cat POOP! So I took the measurements and went shopping. Of course I started at Target (does anyone else practically live there?), and wouldn't you know it - I found this shower curtain that matched my bathroom colors! It was simple (so as not to draw attention to what is behind curtain "A"), and OH MY GOSH IT WAS ON CLEARANCE! For like $7! I literally did a dance in the aisle when I found it....
When I got it home, I knew that it was too long, so I got out my safety pins and got to work. It was a little tricky because there were these adorable fringe accents on one end, and I wanted those visible. I "measured" it out (less ruler, more eyeballing) and pinned it up on two sides.
And voila! It looks so cute! I can't believe I was living with it this long and didn't do anything about it...

So there you have it. A functional but simply adorable cat litter cover up. Have you had to come up with a creative solution to your cat litter area? Share in the comments below!